Well, the hubby has been talking about this for awhile – and now he has actually gone and done it. There is now a chick-cam!

Fhlockston Paradise Chick-Cam!

Yesterday we moved the chickies out of the kitchen and into the basement. I must say I am happy to get my kitchen back. We set up an old dog pen that we had laying around from when we tried to introduce our boy bunny to a lady bunny. That never worked out, but we still have the pen.

I will get a shot of the brooder/pen in a bit, but suffice it to say the chicks have much more room. Also, they can now see each other on the two sides of the dividing wall. Hopefully this will make integrating the two groups of chicks into one cohesive flock easier. The big chicks are probably big enough to go outside, but I decided I didn’t want to put them in the coop until the little chicks were ready to go out.

You see, I am afraid that if I go ahead and put the big chicks in the coop then the will consider it “their” coop. Then when I put out the little chicks they will get their fluffy little butts kicked all around the run. If I put them all into an unfamiliar situation all at the same time I figure they will all have a fighting chance in the pecking order.

At least that’s my theory.

We’ll see how it goes.